My friends husband is an artist who works in metals and
he made this amazing cross that hangs above our dining table.
This is a view through the mirror between two windows.

Close up of Cross
The Inspiration Piece for the color theme. Dieric Bouts the Elder, The Last Super 1464-67

View of the dining area with artistic effect via PhotoShop
That looks great, T!
But then again...I'm a little partial to reds. :)
Yeah, you are the once who actually made me love red!
I am totally in love with this dining room! Would you be willing to post a plain shot? My dining room is a hotpotch ever since we moved from the States two years ago. Can't decide which table and chairs to buy plus am I using a corner as my office (I love the light there).
I will be happy to do that for you! Our dining table is my favorite part of the room...it seats 10. The great thing is that is seats 2 at each head and 3 along the sides. Makes dinner with friends more intimate as you are closer together.
I looked at the enlarged photo and it is really amazing what one can do with Photoshop!
Back in Washington we had a large dining table that sat 10 easily too (we are already six in the family alone). The dark color looks very Vienna 1900, as do the backs of the chair.
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