I love old stuff. There is something about the presence of rust that makes things so interesting. I was excited to find this appliance still had the nameplate on it.

You can see the original color of this car peeking from behind the old age. I am sure it was a beauty.

I just like the composition of this shot.
Rust is so photogenic! :)
Thank you for your sweet comment.
Man, you were gone on that run for a long time!!
LOVE the first shot!
Actually, I quite like the second one too.
And love your Mema's bouganvillea - especially the pretty light pink one.
Ruth - You are welcome!
Freefalling - You made me laught out loud. Yeah, I have been a little busy and neglected my blog.
Thanks for the compliments!
I love it!
THere is definitely something about old things, it has a character. The photo of the car is great! ;)
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