I work at a desk all day. I do enjoy my work but it can be repetitive at times.
My office needs a makeover.

I work with numbers a lot. The ten key is my friend.

The two hole punch...ask anyone I work with how crazy it makes me when
someone bumps it against something and makes it punch the hole 1/4 of an inch off. I check
it each time I use it.

My new calculator. The old one bit the dust after a co-worker knocked a
soda over on it and then a few weeks later I did the same with my latte.
Canon 350D (Rebel xt) ;)
And yes, a little makeover would be nice :))
Some color would be great!
Maybe a large poster right where your eyes can rest when you lift them off your keyboard?
A couple of months ago I spilled my morning tea over the keyboard of my laptop. I quickly ran for the vacuum cleaner to suck up the tea. Wrong move, he ate my keys! Luckily, my daughter was able to put them back in, after I had retrieved them from the vacuum cleaner bag. Now I use an external keyboard, easier to type with anyway. And still drink my tea.
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